GMTK 2024 Done.

What an adventure this has been. 
I haven't finished a game in over a year, and while it is unrefined, boy does it feel good to have released something.
I was certainly a bit too ambitious with this project though and I had to cut a lot of features, and leave in a lot of bugs.
But I'm happy. I've made a game I like, and something I hope to continue on. Including adding at least some of these cut features.
- Factions
- Buying Paint
- Ranged Attacks
- Fixing the Jank AI
- Short Stories
- And far more.

Overall however this experience has inspired me to put on my game developer hat, and I cannot wait to show you what I plan, including some updates for my long suffering fan game fans.

Thank you to everyone who plays my silly little game, and I hope you have as much fun as I had making it,


29 days ago

Get Built To Scale - Fantasy

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